Posts for Tag: edtech

building to learn

This resonates with me, because I sense a theme at the elementary level. That theme is focused on teaching students how to build something. Telling them how to build something. I hear the following statements frequently. 

I want my students to learn how to build a slideshow. 

I want my students to learn how create a spreadsheet. 

I want my students to learn how to format a business letter. 

I get it. There is a laundry list of things for students to build. And, there are a variety of artifacts that students should have in their portfolio to meet grade level, or common core standards. However, I question what students learn from a lesson in which they are taught, exactly, how to build something. Further, do the students even care about what they may learn?

Students should be building to learn. Certainly, the students may need some basic instruction surrounding the guidelines of a digital assignment. Students may need a quick tutorial on certain software functions. But, watch how quickly they engage when they are allowed to build something on their own. 

Please, let the students build to learn. Let them make mistakes. There's always a Control+Z option. Let them collaborate, and build with each other. If they're building something, they will learn.  

12345 Challenge


1)  What is your one biggest challenge during this school year?  

Time. There is simply not enough time to accomplish all of the learning goals I have scheduled. Penultimate challenge: brevity. However, I’m working to resolve that.   

2)  Share two accomplishments that you are proud of from this school year.

  1. Shifting focus. Introducing Google Apps For Education (GAFE) to five elementary schools was a challenge. I am proud to have helped assist the way students, staff, and stakeholders view GAFE as a learning tool.

  2. Building community. GAFE has brought together students and staff through collaborative documents. I am proud to say that I am a part of that community.

3)  What are three things you wish to accomplish before the end of the school year?

  1. A clear #edtech #curriculum outline for the 2016-2017 school year

  2. Create a keystone event to measure student growth (please note that I did not use the word “assessment”)

  3. Get approval for my (last!) fieldwork class necessary to obtain a Preliminary Administrative Credential

4)  Give four reasons you remain in education in today’s rough culture.

  1. Students. My take: the education arena has always been a “rough” culture. The politics, the funding, and the media scrutiny will always be a part of education. I choose to focus on the kids. Kids will do amazing things if we let them. And, I want them to wow me with technology in their learning.  

  2. Potential. The ability of technology to enhance quality teaching and learning is limitless. Attending #CUE conferences this year, and following all the amazing educators on Twitter #TOSAchat has inspired me. I can’t wait to see what’s next!

  3. Team #RESCUEtech. I am proud to work with an awesome group of people. The real accomplishment was the district’s successful GAFE roll-out. There were numerous staff members who made that happen. I am simply proud to be a part of that team

  4. Money. I’m not kidding. Today’s public education arena has seen some positive shifts in finance. Funding for technology and training in schools is more readily available. And, the rate of return on that investment is limitless.

5)  Which five people do you hope will take the challenge with you?

    *also published to



    Really excited about using this with some of my elementary teachers. Not only can students create a digital portfolio that can be shared with the teacher and parents, they can now blog! The student voice piece of Seesaw is powerful.    

    In my opinion, student portfolios are a far better assessment tool than a test or quiz. Portfolios are authentic. Tests are a snapshot. 

    Who knows? Maybe someday college entrance requirements will be portfolio based. And, I'd love to get elementary students started on building their portfolio today. 

    Check out Seesaw or follow them on twitter