Secretary of Ed

This should interesting. 

Interesting to see if the new Secretary will return control to local school boards? Will school vouchers be the new norm? Will more charter schools be open to students? Who will pay for these changes? 

So many questions and no real answers...yet. 


She says technology has a role in the classroom: “I think digital learning is in its infancy relative to the influence that it can and will have,” she told Philanthropy Roundtable in 2013. “I was bored all the way through high school. I can only imagine how much more boring it is today, when you check all of those new technologies at the door and go sit in rows of desks and listen to somebody talk at you for 30 or 40 minutes. Can you imagine sitting through an indifferent lecture when you know there are programs that make learning fun, resources that make information instantly accessible? I can’t.”
