Posts for Tag: apps

hustle beats talent

Catching up on my edtech reading on this last day of holiday break. RSS feeds still exist, by the way. Even crazier? There are some amazing apps* out there for whatever type of device you're running. 

As I read through my lists of feeds, there was a brief moment where I started to feel melancholy about the demise of Google Reader. In the background, Morrissey played...

But, it got me thinking about the progress of technology and how things have changed since I began teaching in a 1:1 classroom. In the last 14 years, the common theme, in both students and the edtech arena, is that consistency beats intensity. 

The programs that have value are the ones that last. The ones who hustle always rise to the top. 

I created this print two years ago, but recently found a copy while cleaning out my workshop. It was hidden under a pile of scrap paper. And, it still holds true. It just needs to be reset in a different typeface, with a different dingbat

*I prefer Reeder for iOS & Mac...clean design and tons of management features. For Chrome, I really like Feedly