Posts for Tag: networking

free agent

It’s that time of year again! Time for the proposed budget. The one that dictates which positions need to filled and which positions need to be eliminated. And, as a consequence, it’s that time for site administrators to start tweaking the master schedule. 

I understand that budgets are a fluid thing. I also understand that my TOSA position was never a long-term job. For three years it was funded in full. Now, in year four, I am operating as a teacher 34% and as a TOSA for 66% of my contract. 

My hope is that next year will bring the same opportunities. However, the politics of jockeying for coveted sites and/or preps is exhausting. I almost feel like a free agent. Sure, I try to do my best teaching every day. I collaborate. I network. 

picture: @jmspool / twitter